Monday, January 22, 2007

Rumours and Snow!

I've just checked the Rumour Queen site and she writes that there are early reports that put the next batch of referrals close to the middle of October. I can only hope that her "Good Case" scenario pans out. Things in the International Adoption world have gone from slow to slower to slowest since we began our journey. It's very disheartening to say the very least! A piece of good news though is that I received another OHGW fabric and wish today. Now I guess I need to get cracking on learning how to put the quilt together.

To say I was disappointed that all of this snow didn't turn into a snow day is mild! What a waste of a storm. If I'm going to have to contend with snow I'd really like it to result in a snow day. Enough whining...I have to go shovel!

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