Friday, March 30, 2007

Books are brain food...pig out!

I received my order from Amazon a few days ago. I am totally impressed with their service and the quality of their packaging. Everything I ordered came to $93.00 and change. I've been soaking up the new stories and Chinese lore. I know I need to become more knowlegeable about Chinese customs and history in order to communicate it to Layla. It's important for us to start using some of the traditions so that they become part of our lives even before Layla arrives. I know we'll go with the mainstream celebrations but I think the ones which are not so obvious we'll celebrate once Layla arrives.
If you have a chance purchase one or two of the books. The message in each one is beautiful. I'll let you know about the DVD later. I'm going to watch it at some point during the weekend. I know, I know, you don't need to tell me about the wild weekend I have planned. :)


Anonymous said...

Do you ever order used? I dont know if Canada is allowed to order used. I do it all the time. I get books for pennies, plus shipping. You have some good titles there. Check out:
Mommy far, Mommy Near
At Home in this World
Kids Like Me in China
Dim Sum for Everyone

Krista said...

Thanks for the advice WW. Is the quality of the used books good? I'm kind of wary about ordering used but if you give it the thumbs up I'm sure it must be okay.


The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Can't ever go wrong with books! Good choices.

(Olivia's lucky mom)

RoLo said...

Great collection